Join us for a live webinar! To subsidize the cost of care provided to uninsured patients, many charitable and safety-net hospitals receive funds through Medicaid and Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) programs. According to the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, Medicaid could see up to 15 million new enrollees by 20191 due to changes in eligibility guidelines outlined in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Since the number of uninsured and underinsured will fall dramatically beginning in 2014, the PPACA will likely decrease the amount of DSH payments distributed2. With this influx of newly eligible patients who will qualify, but who are not automatically enrolled in the program, hospitals need to streamline their eligibility and enrollment processes in order to secure payments for reimbursable care and balance possible reductions in DSH payments.
In this session, Northwestern Memorial Hospital will share strategies providers can use to streamline eligibility and enrollment at their organization to maximize revenue.
Cathleen Gebo
Director, Patient Accounting
Slidell Memorial Hospital
Amy Doyle
District Manager of Operations
Chamberlin Edmonds, an Emdeon company
After This Webinar You’ll Be Able to:
• Identify the myriad of changes to Medicaid eligibility guidelines.
• Estimate the number of patients in your community who will be newly eligible for Medicaid
• Identify where your state currently stands since each state's decision to participate is determined by federal and state leadership
Streamline Eligibility to Offset Reduced Disproportionate Share Hospital Program Payments
April 24, 2013
2:00-3:00pm CDT
Webinar: Streamline Eligibility to Offset Reduced Disproportionate Share Hospital Program Payments
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