Making a Better Connection

Integrated, comprehensive patient billing and payment

The changing dynamics of the business of healthcare have made one thing very clear to providers: the patient encounter doesn’t end with the delivery of care. The need to provide
patient billing and payment solutions that are effective for your patients and efficient for your staff has never been more important than it is today. Because of this need and our commitment to simplifying the business of healthcare, we are now offering Emdeon Patient Connect. Emdeon Patient Connect provides integrated print and eCommerce solutions that address the challenges of today’s healthcare billing and payment processes including return mail management, online patient billing and payment and eCashiering.

Historically, the patient billing and payment process has been composed of fragmented steps that relied on disjointed solutions. However, with Emdeon Patient Connect, providers can enjoy an integrated and bundled solution that can help save time and money at every step. Our solutions work together to help make every aspect of your billing and payment cycle quicker, easier and more efficient.

Clear, concise patient statements
The easiest way to increase collections and accelerate payments is to make sure your patients understand their financial responsibilities. Concise and easy-to-read statements from Emdeon Patient Connect can help eliminate consumer confusion and reinforce patient trust in your billing practices. Our statements encompass the guidelines of
HFMA’s PATIENT FRIENDLY BILLING® and focus on improving the quality of patient statements.

Returned mail management
In addition to clear, concise patient statements, Emdeon Patient Connect can eliminate virtually all handling of returned mail and often find up-to-date addresses for patients who may have moved without notifying your office. Rather than burdening your staff with skip tracing, all returned mail is sent to our facility where it is analyzed to find new addresses and delivery information.

Online billing and payment management
Emdeon Patient Connect can help you capitalize on the growing acceptance and utilization of online bill payment by consumers with convenient online billing and payment options. Your patients will enjoy 24/7, secure access to their account information and statements online and you’ll see how providing online billing and payment management to your patients can help facilitate faster collection of patient-owed amounts.

Enterprise-wide cashiering
Emdeon Patient Connect provides an enterprise-wide approach to collecting patient payments. With Emdeon Patient Connect, you have the ability to accept co-payments, deductibles, pre-payments and payments for outstanding patient balances. To help you get a clearer view of patient collections, each day’s payment activity is automatically posted directly to your host financial system so that the information may then be viewed across your enterprise.

Electronic document storage
We can also put your entire index of patient billing and payment documents at your staff’s fingertips to help quickly and accurately resolve questions your patients may have. Our on-demand retrieval can help reduce your document storage costs and put all of your patient financial documents at your fingertips. All documents are available 24/7 via your web browser.

To assist with the changing dynamics of the business of healthcare, Emdeon Patient Connect delivers a comprehensive suite of services for managing all areas involved in patient billing and payment.

Emdeon Patient Connect facilitates a better connection between you and your patients at every step in the billing and payment process for optimized revenue collection and enhanced patient satisfaction.

Start improving your patient billing and payment today with Emdeon Patient Connect. Contact us at 877.EMDEON.6 (877.363.3666) or visit us online at

What Are Your Statements Telling Your Patients?

Achieving lasting improvements in patient billing and payment

It’s no secret that complicated billing statements frustrate patients and their families because they create insecurity around two of their most important concerns: their health and their finances. Ineffective statements also greatly increase the perceptions of excessively high-costs and even overcharging. As the impact of consumer-driven healthcare becomes more entrenched, it becomes more important that patients understand the information in their billing statement.

What's in it for you?
Patients who feel confident that their statements are clear and accurate typically will be more likely to pay their bills in a timely manner. Providing clear, concise billing statements not only encourages prompt payment, but also educates patients on their financial responsibilities.

Easy-to-read billing statements can proactively provide patients with pertinent information about their outstanding account and can result in reduced customer service calls and a higher bill payment rate.

Here are a few principles you can follow when striving to make your billing statements more effective:

Be clear: Statements should be designed with the patient in mind with minimal use of medical terminology. Whenever possible avoid abbreviations, acronyms, codes and other elements patients will not easily identify.

Be accurate: Items on the statement should accurately represent the care the patient received. Also, include tips on where the recipient can turn for further explanation and instruction.

Be concise: Include enough details to clearly communicate important account information such as services rendered and financial responsibility. Include information on how they can attain further information.

Be patient-friendly: In addition to being easy-to-read, patient statements should reflect what the patient’s insurance is covering and what the patient’s responsibility is moving forward.

Creating a clear, concise billing philosophy
Implementing the principles to provide patients with clear, concise billing statements can be a complex process. With the rise of consumerism in healthcare, organizations such as the
HFMA have developed guidelines to help organize the movement to patient-friendly billing formats. Both providers and patients can benefit from creating a clear, concise billing philosophy. Intuitive billing statements educate patients on treatment rendered and their financial responsibilities while encouraging prompt payment.

Making patient billing clearer is just one of the ways we're Simplifying the Business of Healthcare. Contact us at 877.EMDEON.6 (877.363.3666) or visit us online at

Payment Acceleration Solutions

Put our payment process in drive

Getting paid doesn’t have to be a slow a process.
Emdeon Business Services provides the driving force to overcome speed bumps such as incomplete patient records, uninsured patients, increasing co-pays, and misclassified accounts that often come on the road to being compensated for services rendered.

Here are two solutions to fuel your payment process:

Emdeon Pre-Encounter Analytics
Pre-process patient information in batch form

Emdeon Revenue & Reimbursement Analytics family of solutions provides Emdeon Pre-Encounter Analytics, which can help address patients’ financial situations before they arrive by quickly and accurately obtaining eligibility and benefits information. Batches of relevant data for the next day’s scheduled patients are sent to the Emdeon health information network, thereby accelerating patient registration. Using searches tailored to providers’ needs and state specific requirements, Emdeon reports details on benefits eligibility and pre-authorizations to help maximize revenue collection.

Emdeon Receivables Analytics
Identify alternative payment options

Another part of
Emdeon Revenue & Reimbursement Analytics is Emdeon Receivables Analytics, which enables providers to screen self-pay, bad debt and more in batch form to help collect more dollars. By screening receivables on a recurring basis, Emdeon Receivables Analytics can assist in uncovering alternative payment options to help prevent writeoffs, bad debt and usage of costly collection agencies. Providers simply send their self-pay and bad debt classifications to Emdeon and a quick, accurate report detailing payment opportunities is produced and returned. Through this process, Emdeon Receivables Analytics delivers powerful features providers can utilize to help shorten the revenue cycle and maximize reimbursements.

Utilize Emdeon Revenue and Reimbursement Analytics to put your payment process in drive. To find out more, contact us today at 877.EMDEON.6 (877.363.3666) or visit us online at

Got Something to Tell Your Patients?

Deliver the message loud and clear with Emdeon Patient Communications

Send communications with ease and efficiency. Emdeon Patient Communications provides an effective and economical way to communicate with your patients. Because inserts are included with the statements you are already sending, no additional postage is required in most cases. Simply contact Emdeon with the details you want to communicate and we can create a custom insert or use an existing stock insert with your logo.

Inserts can be used for the following:
• Promote National Health Awareness observations
• Introduce new staff
• Change of address
• Changes in billing cycles
• Promote new products or services
• Announce special holiday hours or hours of operation
• Send holiday greetings

Any message you need to communicate to your patients can be executed effectively and economically with
Emdeon Patient Communications.

To learn more or to add an insert to your next round of statements, please email or call 800.537.7563, ext. 41585.