Insights from a Long-time Emdeon ExpressBill Customer
“There’s no way you can compete with the quality and cost of a resource like this.”
That’s what Larry Mlynarcik has to say about Emdeon ExpressBill Services versus in-house management of patient statements.
And Mlynarcik should know. With 15+ years of experience with the Emdeon ExpressBill Services as well as 38 years as a medical billing expert, he has firsthand knowledge about what it takes to get patient statements mailed and revenue collected effectively and efficiently. Mlynarcik is President and Owner of Custom Data Services, Inc. (CDS), a company specializing in the management of medical billing for providers in all facets of patient care.
CDS sends 50 to 60 thousand patient statements each month on behalf of physician’s practices, hospitals and specialists, and in years past, before the rise of online delivery and payments, the company sent between 80 and 100 thousand statements monthly. Prior to discovering the turnkey automation of ExpressBill, Mlynarcik and his team handled all that mailing in-house, including the purchase and maintenance of massive equipment and supplies. The system was burdensome, time-consuming, labor intensive and expensive. In Mlynarcik’s words, “the associated costs were nuts.”
“So much spent on equipment and labor…,” he recalls.
Mlynarcik made the switch to the outsourced services of ExpressBill back in the mid-1990s and has never looked back at the old system or away from the solution that changed how he does business. The savings with ExpressBill was immediate and significant, assurance out of the gate that outsourcing was the right decision and the only way to go long term.
“I could not do this internally at the same costs. It eliminates the need for equipment, labor, paper costs…and processing time is shorter.”
After more than 15 years, Mlynarcik continues to be pleased with the advantages of Emdeon’s ExpressBill Services. He says that the service that wowed him more than a decade ago has only improved, incorporating technological advancements, new features such as the National Change of Address verification (NCOALink) and digital printing and improved statement design. And he’s so convinced, he has some clear advice for any organization still relying on its own devices for statement printing and mailing: “It’s foolish to do this in-house. If you’re doing it manually, you need to change.”
Based on Mlynarcik’s experience at CDS, here are three reasons you should heed his words and leave the statements to Emdeon.
1. Substantial cost savings.
Cutting the cost of equipment, supplies, maintenance and labor is bound to improve your bottom line dramatically. Over time, the savings served CDS very well, as the company didn’t have to staff for this kind of labor any more or allocate office space to house massive equipment and supplies. To this day, the efficiencies of outsourcing help CDS contain its costs while still serving clients seamlessly.
2. Improved collections.
Improved collections will come from a more effective, timely statement approach, and the dollar figures become even more compelling. By letting Emdeon, experts in statement creation and dissemination, hold the reins, you benefit from Emdeon’s resources and focused knowledge and know-how. Our solutions are designed to help you create more effective statements, help find the latest mailing addresses for recipients, send all mail promptly and trace updated address for returned mail if possible. All this is essential to collect payment from patients.
3. Improved customer satisfaction.
For CDS, clients are providers’ offices, so every statement sent is a representation of both CDS and those who’ve entrusted their billing to the company. Mlynarcik says that Emdeon always “shows us to be a professional company,” and he has the happy clients to prove it. Likewise, patients appreciate prompt, clear, well-designed statements received at proper addresses; it makes the collections process more simple for them and you. As the healthcare industry faces more and more patient payment responsibility, it’s essential that providers hone the methods by which they communicate and collect.
Mlynarcik concludes, “Explore what Emdeon can do if you’re experiencing customer service, technology or quality problems. They compete well in market with their pricing levels and will help you get started cost-effectively.”
Take an expert’s advice. Go hands-off with your statement processing. Contact Emdeon today to learn more about Emdeon ExpressBill Services.
An Industry Pro Advises: Outsource Patient Statements
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