Patient Pay Online Gets an (Inter)face Lift

Online Payment Solution Now Updated with More Patient-Friendly Features

It’s not every day that a ten-year old gets a makeover. Yet that’s just what has happened with Emdeon Patient Pay Online. This web-based payment portal, which was launched several years ago, is designed to help providers collect more, faster by automating payment acceptance. From day one, we’ve aimed to offer the most modern, intuitive interface for this increasingly popular tool, and these recent improvements are designed to help providers stay at the forefront of online patient payment technology.

Emdeon Patient Pay Online Dashboard

At first glance, you’ll notice that the Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been polished. We’ve streamlined the overall layout to be in line with current trends in web design. Additionally, patient-friendly standards are foundational to the design and terminology throughout. The basic look and navigation is clean, uncluttered and logical and can be enhanced by your organization’s branding to effectively blend into the total online experience you offer your patients.

However, the updates are much more than screen deep. We’ve enhanced key functionality and added subtle yet transformative touches to take Emdeon Patient Pay Online to the next level.

• Simplicity: We used market knowledge to enhance portal functionality. Every button provides the most familiar, commonly anticipated outcome when selected in keeping with user expectations. All elements are kept simple, clean and intuitive to minimize user hesitation.

• Immediacy: We made the “Pay Now” option clear and clickable. By making this option prominent, we invite users to take action, and in return, they have immediate gratification in the payment process. There’s no barrier to invite payment action, and that’s good for everyone.

• Flexibility: We built the payment interface to allow providers to customize it with their organization’s logo and color preferences. Now you can integrate a range of flexible payment options to enhance the experience for patients, including prompts for discounts and the ability to offer payment plans. Likewise, patients now have the ability to create ‘My Wallet,’ a simple, versatile solution which allows patients to save their checking and credit card information within the system to expedite future payments.

Emdeon Patient Pay Online ‘My Wallet’

• Electronic Delivery: We’ve deepened our electronic statement delivery messaging and solutions to guide your patients in the transition to paperless billing, including the use of a yellow pop-up that invites users to select paperless statements. By offering electronic statement access, we’re lowering the barrier to full adoption of electronic statements and taking a bigger cut out of your paper costs in the process.

• Security: Emdeon Patient Pay Online hits all the right notes in terms of security. The portal is backed by VeriSign, a subtle and constant assurance of payment safety that is familiar to and trusted by patients. When entering the site, authentication is also required, ensuring appropriate access to account data. These touches give site users peace of mind that security is as tight as expected.

• Mobility: The site is configured to detect if it is being viewed by a mobile device. In those instances, a mobile version is automatically loaded, making it extremely simple to use on smart phones or tablet devices.

Ready for the big reveal of the web solution makeover? The updated version of Emdeon Patient Pay Online is available now*. Call 877.EMDEON.6 (877.366.3666) to discover more.

* The updated version of Emdeon Patient Pay Online is slated for general release on, or before, October 2012.

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