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The world has changed. On any given day—at any given moment, millions of people are online, checking bank accounts, paying bills electronically, conducting web-based transactions and getting statements via email or secure login systems. With every point-and-click, payables and receivables draw closer together, and the world moves further from paper dependency to paperless fluency.
It’s no wonder most of us now embrace and expect technology to make our lives easier. One such example is electronic funds transfer (EFT)—for financial transactions in both personal and professional life. Not only do advancements like EFT provide convenience and immediate gratification by accommodating real-time movement of money, they exponentially heighten the accuracy of those transactions. By circumventing potential human error, electronic communications and transactions are more reliable, efficient and secure.
Countless market sectors, from institutional services to…
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Five Critical Strategies for Providers to Transition from Paper to Paperless Patient Billing & Payment
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